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منشور من طرف reviva brain     ٢٩ مارس، ٢٠١٩    


Reviva Brain :  All the research that I read says the most important strategy to increase brain power is physical exercise, which might bring to mind having to hoist heavy barbells off the ground, at the local gym, in the company of muscular men and women who will look askance at my puny efforts.According to Evans and Burghardt the events that happen to us during our sleep are vitally important to brain power. If we cut short our sleep time, which is unique to each person

we limit our brains ability to cycle through certain hormonal events and memory consolidation efforts. Making a habit of not allowing the brain to complete those tasks means diminished rather than increased brain power. I know quick naps during the day are very refreshing for me also.As you age past 30 and well beyond, evidence shows the brain will slow down but only if not maintained through challenging new brain exercise and stimulation. You can speed your brain up and improve even your most basic cognitive abilities at any age.

Read More :  https://www.supplementrail.com/reviva-brain/


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