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Market Research Methodologies
    • Última actualización 29 de septiembre de 2024
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Market Research Methodologies

Publicado por Tree Of Insights     29 de septiembre de 2024    



F2F or face-to-face interviewing, is one of the most elementary methods of market research. It involves a surveyor meeting the participants or target audience in person to ask questions. F2F can be performed with a classical pen and paper or with the more advanced Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), which uses a device like a tablet. The most beneficial aspect of F2F surveys is that they can reach the intended audience on a personal level as well as low-income demographics with restricted communication means. However, it is restricted by the sample size and requires careful sample planning and surveyor training to extract meaningful results.


CATI or Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, involves an interviewer asking questions to a participant over the telephone with a computer software logging and storing the responses. CATI is a relatively less expensive and convenient method of market research as it is conducted remotely without the need to travel to the sample group. You can include both detailed qualitative and quantitative questions in your surveys. It also offers flexibility in explaining and expanding the questions to the participants, gathering more accurate insights. The computer software records the responses in real time, eliminating manual logging. The intended audience also has the flexibility to be available as per their schedule and large sample sizes can be surveyed quickly. However, since CATI requires a telephonic response, this method cannot reach demographics with no direct access to wired connectivity, generally rural and low-income groups. 


CAWI implies Computer Assisted Web Interviewing or simple online surveys, in other words. CAWI forms a major component of data collection in market research, with a much faster turnaround time. The participants are provided with a pre-made set of questions through an online link via email, app, or message notification. As a researcher, you may include text questions with audio-visual prompts as well for engaging responses. CAWI is very easy to deploy and does not require trained professionals to conduct the survey. Consequently, it is a low-cost method with a wide and scalable reach and quick results. Since data collection is done online in real-time on secure servers, researchers can gain insights much faster. Although CAWI can only reach out to populations with internet access and internet savvy individuals in relatively moderate income groups. 


In the market research context, P2W is referred to as Phone to Web. P2W is a two-step process that involves capturing the participant’s responses through a phone interview (CATI) and transferring the data to a web-based server. The web transition of the captured data helps with ........Read More


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