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How to Adjust Your Mandibular Advancement Device at Home
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How to Adjust Your Mandibular Advancement Device at Home

منشور من طرف Flack Flores     ٥ فبراير    


If you are having an issue with snoring or sleep apnea, then a mandibular advancement device could be an effective solution. Your dentist will insert it and make the necessary adjustments, but you should also know how to do it at home.
What is a MAD or Mandibular Advancement Device used for?
mandibular advancement device dentist is, therefore, a dental appliance worn during nighttime to correct sleep apnea and snoring. It operates on the premise of encouraging your lower jaw to move forward just slightly, something that helps your airway to remain open. The comfort and convenience of this treatment make it more popular than CPAP machines for many people.
How to Adjust Your Mandibular Advancement Device
1. Check for Proper Fit
First of all, it is important to ensure that the device is comfortable to hold in one’s mouth. If the device appears to be too tight or too loose, some modifications may be made to it. Your dentist in Houston can give you fitting advice and even make preliminary adjustments to optimize your comfort level.
2. Make Small Adjustments
If your dentist has allowed you to adjust the device, where it is either advanced or made slightly tight, then start with slight changes. Almost all devices’ settings require an up/down either dial or screw action to move the lower jaw slightly forward. Big changes can come from small steps used with a smaller value, such as one or two millimeters.
3. Test It Out
Finally, while making a particular adjustment, wear the device to check the feel of it. There should be slight discomfort after the dental treatment. If the discomfort remains with you, then it is certainly possible that you may have to pull back and take incremental steps.
4. Soften the material.
Some of the MADs have a thermoplastic material that becomes pliable when immersed in warm water. This helps to remove your figure from the device and form it into a more comfortable design. If you are struggling to achieve the desired position, it should only take several seconds in warm, not boiling water, and pressure should be applied as you wish it to conform to the teeth.
5. Monitor Your Progress
   Record your tolerance and signs. If you see your sleep apnea or snoring getting better or improving after you make some adjustments, then you are on the right track. However, if the duration extends or escalates, then maybe it is time to see a mandibular advancement device dentist near me.
6. Addressing Pain or Discomfort
A mild discomfort and soreness in your jaw, teeth, or gums is normal. If discomfort is significant, it could be that the device needs further adjustment because your jaw is not advanced enough.
In the present dental world, it is now easy to diagnose and treat conditions like sleep apnea through AI dental X-ray dentistry.
MAD is an ideal appliance type for treating snoring and sleep apnea because cleansing and changing the position of the device in the home might be easy, but one must consult the dentist for better results. This type of treatment is also provided in Houston. Also, make sure you note that adhering to great care after your Root Canal Recovery is crucial for healthy teeth in the future.


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