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What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?
  • Tags - #EarDeals
    • Last updated December 31, 2021
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What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?

Posted By eardeals eardeals     December 31, 2021    



In-the-ear hearing aids are worn in the ear canal. They usually are custom-fit based on an impression taken by your audiologist. They are the smallest and most discreet type of hearing aids.


In-the-ear hearing aids are available in different styles and different skin tones to blend with the outer ear. Some are fitted very deep in the ear, while others are closer to the outer ear. They are designed for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.


Due to their small size, they don’t have features such as volume controls and programme buttons.





Behind-the-ear hearing aids are designed to be on top or sit behind the ear with tubing that directs the sound down into the ear canal. The hearing aid comes in two forms: receiver-in-the-ear and receiver-in-the-canal, depending on the manufacturer.

Behind-the-ear hearing aids come with a rechargeable battery option and are more likely to go with advanced technology and wireless connectivity to devices. The telecoil option is commonly available with this type of hearing aid. The hearing aid is obvious.



In-the-canal hearing aid situated in the lower portion of the outer ear, making them comfortable and easy to use. They are slightly larger than in-the-ear hearing aids.

Due to their sizes, they can have additional features such as directional microphones and manual control. In addition, they are discreet, unlike behind-the-ear hearing aids and have longer battery life.



These hearing aids are more similar to in-the-canal hearing aids. However, they are large enough to have additional features and user control.


If you’re looking for affordable and quality hearing aids, EarDeals has a wide range to choose from. Visit our website to browse our range or contact us for more information.
