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Unhulled Paddy Rice Is Separated in Paddy Separator Machine
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حصة الاجتماعي

Unhulled Paddy Rice Is Separated in Paddy Separator Machine

منشور من طرف gong liang     ١٢ أكتوبر، ٢٠١٨    


The output from the huller is a mixture of paddy rice, brown rice, husk, broken paddy, and sometimes bran. The huller aspirator removes the lighter material such as husk, bran and very small brokens. The remainder passes onto the paddy separator machine where the unhulled paddy rice is separated from the brown rice. The amount of paddy present depends on the efficiency of the husker, and should not be more 10%. Paddy Separator(LIANGGONG) work by making use of the differences in specific gravity, buoyancy and size between paddy and brown rice. Paddy rice has a lower specific gravity, higher buoyancy, and is physically bigger, longer and wider than brown rice.

It is not only conventional but also convenient to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a separation process or a separator by using a single value often referred to as separation index. To represent both the recovering power of whole and broken kernels and the precision of removing broken kernels from the feed material, a coefficient of separation efficiency η was defined as Eq.

The discharge of a rice huller is a mixture of brown rice, paddy, husks, bran, dust, brokens, and immature paddy grains. The paddy separators normally only receive the brown rice, the paddy, and sometimes the immature paddy grains. Between these two rice mill machines the husks, bran, dust, brokens, and immature paddy grains must be removed.

Paddy destoner machine removes stones, metals and other high density impurities.The sifter is applied for the removal of impurities such as leaves, sticks, rope, impurities from a stream of grain.

Click Paddy Husker to learn about more information.


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