Samuel P.N. Cook 46:47
Yes. And for the whole history of independence, Ukraine hasn't bought such an amount of tanks. I'm not talking also about the whole other equipment.
Samuel P.N. Cook 46:56
Oh yeah, no, it's definitely a...
Samuel P.N. Cook 47:45
So that was the tank that he captured Yuriy?
Yuriy Bogun 47:47
He participated in capturing this tank, and he participated in repair on it.
Samuel P.N. Cook 47:55
It must be very proud of his capture there at that definitely was...
Yuriy Bogun 47:59
I'm not sure that he personally did it, but he participated I'm sure. And his team, his participants, participated. He was extremely glad about the tech, and it was, by the way, captured in Kyiv.
Full interview