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It is a good choice to stay at home and play Path of Exile during the new coronavirus
    • Dernière mise à jour 27 mai 2020
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It is a good choice to stay at home and play Path of Exile during the new coronavirus

Posté par Cucclvince Cucclvince     27 mai 2020    


New coronaviruses have swept the world, and authorities and experts suggest that staying at home is better. Being at home is really boring, but you can play Path of Exile. This is indeed a good choice and can also make some contributions to society.
How the MMOAH Virus Spreads
COVID-19 spreads through droplets from infected people's coughing or sneezing. If the droplets reach your mouth, nose or eyes, you're infected. The virus also gets into your system once you touch those self-same parts after touching something contaminated. Symptoms don't set in until after two to four weeks, and it's contagious even at the asymptomatic stage.
That last sentence is very important. Infected but asymptomatic people can expire the virus. It means you do not know who is infected until they're tested or symptoms become apparent. Consider what percentage belongings you touch when commuting or while at work. Many of these objects are shared public objects. If an individual who doesn't know they're infected sneezes on their hand and touches those self-same things, what percentage people does one think they will infect?
The Curve
These sorts of epidemics have exponential growth. Parenthetically that, for example you're cultivating some bacteria during a dish. The dish can only hold about 500 bacteria, and also the bacteria reproduce by splitting into two every minute. So you set within the singular bacteria within the dish. It'll fill the dish within 10 minutes. Therein illustration, on which minute does one think the bacteria-filled half the dish?
The answer is that the 9th minute. Then bam, on the 10th, the dish is filled! Exponential growth is characterized by a slow start then a sudden jump in numbers. If in our illustration, the hospitals are the dish and infected people are the bacteria, doing nothing will overload all the healthcare facilities.
Why Quarantine and Isolation are that the Primary Solution
Keeping people isolated keeps healthy individuals from moving into contact with contagious ones. There'll always be growth, but a minimum of it's over-involved. It keeps the facilities from becoming overwhelmed from the choice of an increase of patients. They'll be able to treat those infected and keep down the POE Exalted Orb deaths which will occur. That is what it means to flatten the curve.
So, staying at home can prevent the virus from raging outside. This is the only time you feel that playing video games at home is better than going out. The problem is that everyone thinks so. Wash your hands frequently, stay healthy and immerse yourself in your Path of Exile world at home!


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