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Prodentim Reviews- Price UK, Australia, IReland, Canada or Australia NZ
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    • Dernière mise à jour 29 juillet 2022
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Prodentim Reviews- Price UK, Australia, IReland, Canada or Australia NZ

Posté par prodentim ingredients     29 juillet 2022    


Prodentim such a result can be achieved by undergoing professional care in a dentist's office or in beauty salons, specialized treatment effects (dental clinic, specialized center – home), or taking treatments at home. In general, in any case, teeth can be whitened in two ways: mechanical (rubbing) and chemical (using substances, bleaching agents). Despite the importance of plaque teeth whitening notice regularly, every 6 to 12 months you can go to a dentist, even for dental and professional (white) whitening treatment. The technique teeth whitening price is generally used is done directly in the dental office and is called "teeth whitening in a chair". This procedure uses the action of bleaching agents, chemicals of high concentration, extended technical characteristics of the device, which contribute to a deep action. A means for bleaching most often includes from a gel based on hydrogen peroxide 35-38% ac Prodentim is that when exposed to certain light sources glows, releasing l 'oxygen. After release, this gas enters the tooth structure, following oxidation-reduction reactions, which break down the stain molecules into a smaller, colorless and easily avoidable mixture. The whitening intensity depends on the concentration of the active substance and its exposure to the teeth. In any case, in accordance with the experience of a dentist, commitment and guarantee the best results, while minimizing undesirable effects, such as excessive temperature sensitivity and irritation of the gums. These violations teeth whitening price eliminates at the root, protecting the gums, Official Web.


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