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The 10 Most Common Signs That Shows You Need Adult Speech Therapy
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حصة الاجتماعي

The 10 Most Common Signs That Shows You Need Adult Speech Therapy

منشور من طرف Cameron Trever     ١٦ سبتمبر، ٢٠٢٢    


If you’re like most adults, you probably take for granted the ability to speak without thinking. However, for some people, this ability is slowly slipping away. Adult speech therapy can help those people regain their lost speech skills and communicate more effectively. In this post, we’ll outline the 10 most common signs that show you need adult speech therapy. After reading this, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to seek treatment.

If you’re experiencing one or more of these 10 common signs that show you need Pediatric Speech and Language Therapy sessions, it may be time to seek out professional help.

  • The trouble with communication and expressing yourself appropriately – This may be an issue in both verbal and nonverbal areas of your life, such as relationships or work.
  • Difficulty understanding others – You might find it difficult to decode other people’s body language or understand their intentions.
  • Confusion about what words mean – When you’ve got a tough time figuring out the meaning of words, this can make communicating difficult no matter who you’re speaking to.
  • Repeating phrases word-for-word or verbatim – A telltale sign that you need adult speech therapy is when you start to speak in a robotic or rehearsed manner.
  • Difficulty with grammar – You might find yourself making lots of mistakes with your verb tense, nouns, and other basic building blocks of speech.
  • Having trouble speaking up – If you’ve found that it’s difficult for you to vocalize thoughts or ideas on occasion, this could be a sign that adult speech therapy is necessary.
  • Difficulty taking audio recordings – If the thought of talking on the phone makes your palms sweat, this could be another indication that adult speech therapy is needed for you specifically (although any type of speech therapy could be helpful).
  • Poor articulation – When you can’t enunciate words, it becomes very difficult to understand yourself or communicate with others.
  • Trouble understanding jokes or puns – If typos and other mistakes in your speech are the results of not being able to get the humor in what you’re saying, this is a clear sign that adult speech therapy would be beneficial for you.
  • Difficulty complying with directives or requests – If following directions isn’t something that comes easy for you, this is often an indication that adult speech therapy may be necessary.


As you have read through, several signs and symptoms indicate an adult is facing difficulty with speech. The main cause of these issues can be the way they speak or their ability to express themselves. In such cases, it becomes crucial to seek advice from a therapist who can help them improve their speaking skills in time. If you are planning to get some professional help for your loved one, make sure that you don’t rush into hiring someone without proper training and credentials. Use the tips mentioned above to ensure that you hire the right person for the job. If you are looking for Chicago Speech and Language Therapythen visit our website Crossroads Speech Therapy. We would help you with all your problems.



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