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FIFA 23 is the last edition of the game

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FIFA 23 is the last edition of the game

منشور من طرف doris doris     ١٧ فبراير، ٢٠٢٣    


Scoring from corners appears to FIFA 23 Coins be a difficult skill to master, but one gamer has already succeeded in finding a way to accomplish it. Here is your guide to scoring straight from a corner on FIFA 23. The aiming system from the previous game has gone away and is replaced with showing a line that tracks the movement of the ball within several yards.

It is the left hand that's used to guide the ball, whereas the right stick is for the level. To score from corners, it's ideal to play the area as an in-swinger with the proper mix of power and precision. Be sure to bring an expert in set piece on this corner.One Reddit user Reddit provided their recommendations on how to achieve the art of scoring from a corner, they said: "Ideally 3.5 bars power In-swinger, aim within the six-yard box."

Another player commented: "The aim is surprisingly constant, so if you come across a perfect angle/power that you can use it's a powerful instrument to combat out-of-position keepers."It is apparent that the corner taking technique is easier to master on FIFA 23 than on previous editions, this could make it easier for players to catch their opponents out from in the corner.

FIFA 23 is the last edition of the game under the FIFA name. Starting the next year, EA will be releasing their games under a new name: EA SPORTS FC. EA released a statement: "After nearly 30 years of creating genre-defining interactive football experiences, we'll soon begin an exciting new age.

"Next season, EA SPORTS FC will be the new name for football in EA SPORTS. Alongside our license partners of 300+ across all sports We're ready to bring global football experiences to new heights for buying FUT 23 Coins all football fans across the globe.


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