What is cortisol?Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal
High Blood Pressure Solution Kit Review glands in the kidney. Cortisol levels are highest in the morning. Through gluconeogeneis (term for glucose production), cortisol breaks down muscle to provide the body with needed glucose for energy needs. Cortisol also relocates fat cell deposits into the visceral cavities of the abdomen.
Stress and Cortisol When we are confronted with stress our body's initial response is "fight or flight". When we go into "fight" mode our body releases the hormone norepinephrine. When we respond with "flight" (or anxiety) our body releases epinephrine. If the stressful situation is long term and you begin to feel distressed and defeated, the hypothalamus in the brain becomes involved, eventually leading to the release of cortisol from the adrenal gland in the kidney.
Why is "fight or flight" important to understand?Your perception of an event can determine your body's physical response. Do you feel stressed, but challenged by an obstacle or do you feel overwhelmed and out of control? If you feel challenged and "fight" your body responds with an accelerated heart rate that increases the release of fatty acids into circulation. If you feel out of control and defeated ("flight"), the body increases fat formation (lipogenesis), breakdowns tissue (muscle), suppresses the immune system, and increases visceral fat deposits.