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The Way to Sell Self-Published Books Online
    • Última actualización 8 de diciembre de 2023
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The Way to Sell Self-Published Books Online

Publicado por Acu Track     8 de diciembre de 2023    


More than a few people were able to realize their dreams of becoming authors when print-on-demand came on the scene. But now that it's been around for a while and the honeymoon is over, some writers wonder if there is a better way. Today, book fulfillment services are stepping up, along with printers offering digital and offset capabilities. There are advantages if you break things down into parts rather than an all-in-one like print on demand. The first one is more flexibility in where you sell books. The second is a more significant profit per copy. On-demand printers set prices and keep you within their systems.

If you can build a website that draws traffic or does well with search engines, the most profitable way to sell a book is directly from your website. Doing it that way keeps all the proceeds from each sale rather than sharing them with other companies. High profit margins are the quickest way to make your book more lucrative for you. Self-publishing also means you hold the copyright to the material if others want to pay to use it. If you work with a traditional publisher, you sell them the right to your book, which they hold in perpetuity. Ownership of intellectual property is a significant asset.

The two things that help you earn money are (higher) sales volume and profit per copy. You'll need to pay some expenses upfront, such as cover design, editing, and printing. Therefore, the initial revenue will offset costs before the dollars flow into your pocket. Many people write books to support and promote other endeavors in their lives, such as their businesses. For example, if you are a weight loss doctor and pen a book on healthy dieting, there's a natural connection. Producing a profitable book matters for them, but if it promotes other business endeavors, there is a significant long-term value.

Ponce you get your book carried by online sellers other than your website, the work begins with exciting algorithms. They are on the hunt for "trending" items. Therefore, ringing up sales and driving traffic to your book's page will matter. You'll see increased momentum and stronger sales when it begins to happen steadily—pricing your book well against its competition matters. It's wise to check out other competing titles and price yours in their range. If you go too high, people will buy additional books for less. If you go too low, it often causes some to question your book's quality. The trick is finding the sweet spot.  

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