Maneuvering system is helpful to ship engineers and ship officers to steer the ship safely from a control station and it eases the process of operation and monitoring of marine engine. Marine engineers should be aware and understand this system, so that they can easily operate main engine.Information for knowing and understanding the operation of engine machine is mentioned in engine manual and every engineer on ship must know the basics of electrical and electronic systems, hydraulics and pneumatics. Certain safety steps must be taken when handling maneuvering system. Any machine part should not be touched while machine is in running condition, because it can lead to malfunction. After maintenance is completed, close the door and put a cover to avoid entry of dust.
If engine is stopped due to shutdown, first action to be taken is to move the maneuvering handle to stop position and then do troubleshooting. Before maintaining electrical circuits, switch off the power supply, if there are multiple power supplies, turn off all the supplies. Before checking the electrical circuits, check the drawing of circuit and clean the contacts, as loose contacts can cause malfunction. Maneuvering system of ship comprises of course keeping, course changing, track keeping and speed changing. These requirements of maneuvering system are part of contract between shipowner and shipyard.
Most of the machineries on ships have emergency backup or standby system, which can be used, if the main system is failed. Ships of South China use maneuvering system in South China for running the ships in proper condition.Marine engines are mainly responsible for propulsion of the ship, and its direction and rotationis controlled from bridge or engine control room, through telegraph and fuel lever control. There is remote control maneuvering system and local maneuvering system, in case of failure of remote system, local maneuvering system controls the ship. In case of failure of remote control maneuver system, changeover procedure must be adopted to shift the operation from remote to local maneuver system.