MyWorldGo What Does It Mean to Have Pluto in the 12th House?

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Femag Jills
  • Posted On : Jun 15, 2022
  • Views : 135
  • Category : General
  • Description : What Does It Mean to Have Pluto in the 12th House?



    If you don't know how to calculate houses, here is a very quick tip for you. Write down 12 signs on a piece of paper with Aries as the first sign then so on. Your sun sign is the first house.


    From where your sun sign is you count clockwise to the sign that hosts the planet of your choice. So if my sign is an Aquarius and Pluto has just entered Capricorn, thus Pluto is transiting my 12th house. Want to read more on this topic check this out:


    Original Shape and Form


    For me with Pluto in the 12th house is like a tornado that sweeps through my house, picks it up, put it inside a huge blender and turns on the highest speed. The speed is so high so that at the end of the blending cycle, the house is no longer retained its original shape and form. It has transformed itself into a dough that is waiting to be reshaped into any other object of one's choice.




    So if Pluto is transiting your 12th house do not let the gloom and doom saying of other astrologers to scare you. This is my personal experience and perhaps it may not match yours. However, it can show you that you must delve further into your subconscious and derive for yourself all the wonderful things that your subconscious is trying to tell you.


    Time to Redefine New Paradigm


    Thus when a Pluto or any planet transits a 12th house, it is time for you to work more from the inside out. It signals the time to redefine new paradigm, new way of life to suit a new you. In whatever fashion or method you decide to embark upon, remember the one key element and that is to use what you learn to serve the masses. If you only use it for personal gains you will suffer.




    I personally feel that a beautiful human being is defined both by physical beauty and soul achievements. Be of service to mankind and it is the best thing you can do for your soul. Give and you shall receive thus if you want to be beautiful help someone to be beautiful, if you want to be rich, help someone to be rich. Just try it today and you will see how it will change your life. I guaranteed it.