Computer programming has come a long way, from the first programming languages to the current generation. Since then, it has become more potent, effective, and complex. Nonetheless, the underlying fundamental ideas of data structures and algorithms have not changed. Since its development, DSA has served as the foundation for computer programming.
Creating machine-efficient, optimized computer programs is the domain of data structures and algorithms, a branch of computer science. While data structures are used to arrange and store data, algorithms define problem-solving strategies. By combining "data structure" and "algorithm," we can optimize codes in software engineering. To help you become an expert in DSA, here’s the most beginner-friendly DSA course, co-developed with Learnbay and IBM.
All branches of software development require data structures and algorithms (DSA). The core of the software development cycle is DSA. Many different programming languages can be used. Even though some programming languages evolve or disappear over time, DSA is still implemented in all of them.
How well the software is produced depends on choosing an appropriate data structure and method.
In some cases, you might be advised on the optimal data structure, utilizing a solid technique. Only if the two are compatible will the code provide the desired outcome. Therefore, determining the best data structure for an algorithm is a critical stage in the software development process.
Now we will examine some of the practical DSA applications.
The word "linear" refers to how the elements are arranged. Thus a stack is an example of a linear data structure. Only when the earlier items have been accessed is it possible to access a new element?
What is the purpose of a stack representation?
Why a programmer needs to learn how to remove and stack plates from a stack may be a question in your mind. Let's check out the answer. A string needs to be reversed, and you are to do it. What approach would you take?
Why a programmer needs to learn how to remove and stack plates from a stack may be a question in your mind. Let's check out the answer. A string needs to be reversed, and you are to do it. What approach would you take?
Why is it important to represent a queue?
The operation of a queue on a computer can be a mystery to you. Imagine you are in your office, where a network is connected to five devices. You have shared printing capabilities among all of these computers. Consider a scenario where a worker wants to print documents and instructs the printer via his PC. The printer starts printing the documents as soon as it gets the instructions. Visit Learnbay's data structure training to find out more information in-depth.
The data structure of the social media graph and Google Maps
Linked objects are arranged in a graph. A node is a name for each object, and an edge is a name for the link that connects them.
There's a good chance that you visit sites like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. The use of a graph in social media is very well demonstrated. User data is saved in graphs on social media. In this case, each user behaves much like a node in a graph.
Sorting is the methodical grouping of related elements, to put it simply. Think about how the height of the books might affect how you arrange them on a shelf. If we arrange the books in the opposite order, the taller volumes will be on the left, and the shorter ones will be on the right.
This concept is used in sorting algorithms. There are several sorting techniques available in DSA. Every algorithm has the same goal, yet for a variety of reasons, they all behave differently.
If we wish to sort the books swiftly, there are a few aspects to consider in the example above.
As the name implies, searching aids in finding.
Imagine you're looking for a specific book on a shelf. There is no specific order for the books in my collection. How would you find the book in the smallest amount of time if you were to? DSA provides the answer to this problem.
You might think, "I'll find the book by starting at the beginning." You will be looking from the top to the bottom of the shelf.
Have you ever questioned how Google Maps can offer the fastest route to your destination? Programs like Google Maps employ a class of algorithms known as the Shortest Route Finding Algorithms.
For the shortest path, these algorithms search a graph. Similar to the illustration provided in the Graph data structure above, we can use graph algorithms to find the shortest route between two specified locations on a map.
Find the shortest path from point A to point F on the following map to show the problem.
D can only be reached from F in one direction. B has already been reached; thus, we won't count it even though we can get to B from D. We go to where we're going by taking the DF path.
I believe the concept was clear to you. If you're still unsure and want to master DSA, enroll immediately in a data structures and algorithms course led by top industry tech experts in MNCs.