Please GMS team increase the drop rate of the Lunar Dew
buy MaplestoryM Mesos that drop from the Desert Rats which come from the Empress's Might Job Quest.A concerned Maplestory Bishop.
Before I start to write out exactly what my proposal is, I would like all to know that I do blacklist a good deal of people. There are a whole lot of people who I do not like, and desire no business with in game. Either because they're cyber criminals, or have been known for scamming other people.
I am sure by now everybody knows exactly what a blacklist is. It is that final tab in your Maple Users List, together with your buddy, celebration, and boss tab. The maximum amount of people allowed to be redeemed is 26/26, and yes I've filled up 26 of these slots half of those being the player and their mules. I'd like to voice my opinion of enlarging the blacklist, or have an NPC that sells expansion slots for blacklisting (kind of like how buddy slots could be enlarged ).
Another suggestion I would like to include as well is that the hired merchant blacklist expansion. The request hired retailers only allows 20 characters allowed, and I feel like there should be more. Or an even better idea is to have the blacklist in our Maple Users List to mechanically associate with our hired retailers blacklist. I don't mind writing in the names of that I want blacklisted from my shop, but when it may be made simpler then why not.
Over my long years of playing Maplestory, I have observed many things change. Party quests could die, old events were eliminated. Not to mention I stood back and witnessed everyone slowly become anti social and grindatics. But that all means nothing to me at this moment. Through out all of my years on this website, the Battle Mage course was constantly there.
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