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MapleStory M will still have characteristics

  • Sle trry
    June 24, 2019
    Aside from that, I believe that Hayato, for it is present underpowered standing, is rather hard to buff with out becoming overpowered. It's already kind of a bully course early to mid game (Lv. 30-130) in terms KSing potential because of his mobbing abilities, and his blisteringly fast strikes. If you were to adjust the damage%'s of his Sanrenzan, or even add extra attack lines, then Maplestory mobile mesos gets him overpowered. Maybe if Shinsoku had a greater% damage per line, it can help things, but I would suggest adding a bind of some kind to his kit.

    Now, skills aside, I believe there is a much greater reason he does not get as much love from players: his mastery. Granted, he has 60% command from the very start, but that would be it. Other classes get 80% control, maintaining their harm relatively stable. Hayato? His harm jumps about as far as he or she does. There is also the matter of his assault multiplier (that is quite hard to adjust in a way that is balanced).

    To outline this, Hayato's Katana is known as 2h, but includes a multiplier more indicative of a 1h weapon. Katana possess a multiplier of 1.25, compared to an overall multiplier of 1.2 to get 1h swords, maces and axes. 2h swords/axes/maces have a general multiplier of 1.34, and spears/polearms have 1.49. With the above in mind, what, praytell, do you guys think would balance Hayato out?

    I am totally lost. I have hit level ten, but things started going buy Maplestory M Mesos wrong almost instantly. So I've got a couple of concerns. I accidentally put a point into STR, believing there was an"Apply Changes" Button and that I could pull it out. And I don't have any idea how to get it back.