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  • Sle trry
    November 11, 2019
    Eight months later, after having accrued around 300bil worth of mesos without selling one thing from leech (this amount includes various procedures of payment converted into Maple Mobile Mesos with the conventional prices in the market ), I've finally accomplished my objective. I am a 212 Night Lord at Renegades that can solo Tough Magnus, the three Chaos Root Abyss directors, and Hell Gollux.

    However, instead of finding this'end game' status rewarding, I simply find no difference whatsoever between where I am currently, and even where I was several months ago, when I was barely scratching through Hard Gollux.

    During the 3 days following my solo, I have got a'grand total' of 150mil. My converted income was 3bil per day, to put this in view, in March. This 150mil (a pitiful 5% of this ) isn't indicative of a low supply of items that I might have (I attract drop mules into all my runs, and possess a limitless source of these); instead, it's simply because of the simple fact that these end game drops are so common that their market looks like that of'best competition,' in which the'willingness to take' for sellers is basically zero because buy Maplestory M Mesos these items don't have any value whatsoever to them.

    I got exactly zero Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants, and have soloed Hell Gollux 15 times. Instead, according to empirical information, the drop rate of this pendant is around 2-3%, which is totally clear due to the propensity of pay-to-win gamers to take themselves repeatedly in these boss runs. This percentage yields an outcome of 15-20mil per day.