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  • NBA 2K21 is one of the many upcoming 2020 titles

    Posted by xue li August 13, 2021 - Category: Arts - 218 views - 0 comments - 0 likes - #Buy NBA 2K21 MT 
    NBA 2K21 is one of the many upcoming 2020 titles that will be NBA 2K21 MT released for both the current generation of consoles as well as the new systems from Sony and Microsoft. So, basketball fans might naturally be wondering about things like crossplay between different platforms and generations of consoles. The developers of NBA 2K21 have now offered some clarity on how this will work for their game.

    In a recent roundtable interview, the studio confirmed that "cross-gen" gameplay--that is, people on PS5 playing against those on PS4 or Xbox Series X and Xbox One-- is "definitely a no."

    "Cross-gen is definitely a no, because the next-gen experience is a new game built from the ground up," the studio said. "You couldn't have Halo 4 play Halo 5 online. That just wouldn't make any sense. We're in that same boat here."

    The developer also cleared up the situation for cross-play, and this also will not be supported. "As far as cross-platform play, we are not supporting that in NBA 2K21," the company said.

    While there is no cross-play or cross-gen gameplay, everything from Buy NBA 2K21 MT the MyTeam mode will carry forward to next-gen if you decide to upgrade within the same console family. This includes gameplay progress as well as virtual currency. Progress from the MyCareer mode, however, will not carry forward to next-gen due in part to how MyCareer is a "different beast" on PS5 and Xbox Series X, the developer teased. "There's a really good reason why that's not going to carry over," the company said.