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March 5, 2024
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May 9, 2024
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In this investigator–initiated, single-center, randomized clinical trial we compared the quality of breathing during postoperative ventilation between closed–loop ventilation using sidestream capnography versus mainstream capnography in elective cardiac surgery subjects. We could not confirm the non–inferiority of INTELLiVENT–ASV using sidestream capnography with respect to the proportion of breaths in the predefined optimal zone of ventilation. There was a statistically significant difference in the incidence of breaths with hypoxemia between the groups––this difference disappeared within the first hour of postoperative ventilation. There were no differences in the other endpoints. The plant alters the manipulated variable to generate the feedback signal of interest as the control (output) variable. Continuing with the example above, the manipulated variable is flow, but the feedback control variable is pressure (ie, ventilator flow times plant impedance equals airway pressure), as in pressure-control modes. Closed-loop control can also refer to the use of feedback signals to control the overall pattern of ventilation, beyond a single breath, such as the use of end-tidal carbon dioxide tension as a feedback signal to control minute ventilation.22