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Erickson, Tomlin and Swain's modeling and role modeling theory
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Erickson, Tomlin and Swain's modeling and role modeling theory

منشور من طرف Cindy Wade     ١٥ يونيو، ٢٠٢١    


Erickson, Tomlin and Swain’s Modeling and Role Modeling Theory

The theory of modeling and role modeling by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain was a serious attempt to acquire holistic knowledge about man as a separate biological unit, a person with internal psychic processes and at the same time part of society. The theory has given new techniques of work in such a field as nursing because it has created new better approaches to the treatment of patients as mentioned by apa research paper writing services

It should be noted that the theory is based on two main concepts, modeling and role modeling. The first one is a process, through which a nurse tries to learn and better understand the personal model of a client and his or her world and does everything to appreciate and improve it every day. Modeling proves that each person has a unique perspective. The nurse’s task is primarily to use the process to create an image and try to understand patient’s outlook through his or her eyes. The concept of role modeling means a nursing intervention or education that requires unconditional recognition. Therefore, the theory is used for developing understanding of the client’s world.

In my opinion, this model views care as a model of self-service based on the client’s perception of the world and adaptation to stress factors. I think that this theory makes it possible to determine a model necessary for caring for a patient. I believe that this approach is very useful and important in nursing practice, since it is very important for the client to understand what he or she really wants so that all his or her fears and experiences are dispelled, making the person concentrate on medication and recovery.

In my opinion, the correct use of the theory should look like this. According to this approach, a nurse needs to describe patient’s problems in his or her own words. It will help to discuss with him or her issues of care and will make the one understand a care plan and goals better. It will aid in explaining what the nurse wants to achieve with the patient and determining the degree of problem resolution and the timeframe. In practice, the theory requires creating a personal care plan for the patient based on personal wishes and needs to make the client feel unique and receive individual care and treatment techniques. The nurse should infuse a sense that a person can recover, and this is the most important medicine that really heals.

For example, I can apply the theory to treat the elderly. When such a patient from the age category of 60-75 is sick, it is difficult to advise him or her. For so many years, a person has developed his or her own opinion, which the one is not ready to change. For instance, when a patient has a stomach disease, he or she knows his or her own organism and what methods help him or her and what not better than anyone else. By applying the theory of modeling and role modeling, I should listen to patient’s wishes, and it will make the one become more loyal and ready to compromise, with the understanding that his or her treatment requirements will also be accepted. It will speed up the process of treatment and recovery.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Erickson, Tomlin and Swain’s theory of modeling and role modeling allows each nurse to take care of and protect each patient with understanding and respect. In my opinion, the theory of modeling and role modeling is a fundamental practice that is based on the needs of clients. Since for each patient, there is an individual approach, which he or she deserves, the application of the approach in practice can lead to effective treatment.


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