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Signatures of Tomboy Fashion

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Signatures of Tomboy Fashion

Posté par Emily Clarke     28 décembre 2021    


It’s important that how you look on the outside reflects how you feel on the inside. If you’re a tomboy, you want to feel that way in your manner of dress and self-expression, regardless of how much or little you care whether other people notice or register. The following brief guide will help you wipe off that femme and get your tomboy on.

Tomboy Casual Wear

For that everyday casual look, nothing says “laid back” queer tomboy clothes like a loose-fitting t-shirt and a pair of track pants. If you need something a slight bit more respectable, try a plaid button-down shirt and a pair of distressed denim jeans. Or, if you want to go “full casual,” don a comfy pair of overalls and kick back. If you need queer tomboy clothes, visit this website.

Tomboy Formal Wear

On the opposite end of the queer tomboy clothes spectrum, nothing says “smart and sharp” like a well-tailored suit with an equally fitted button-down dress shirt to match. Don’t forget the freshly polished and buffed dress shoes too. They’re the first item most people notice about a formal outfit and the item they most remember.

Oversized Wear

Whether for casual or formal occasions, one throughline in tomboy fashion is oversized clothing. An oversized cardigan, for instance, is fitting in almost any setting.

Not only does oversized clothing vibe with the less self-conscious masculine attitude about dress, but it also helps to obscure the most difficult to obscure feminine aspects of a woman’s frame and physical appearance.

Tomboy Footwear and Accessories

Tomboy Footwear

High-top sneakers are both comfortable and sporty to go with your casual outfit, while chunky boots add a bit of flash and style to a more formal outfit without straying from the tomboy mystique.

Tomboy Hats

You can use a hat to hide your long hair beneath, but you don’t have to. You can also look just as tomboyish letting your long locks drape down from beneath the brim. The point is, whether you choose a baseball cap, fedora or beanie, you can instantly infuse any look with some added boyish charm just by placing it on your head.

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