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 7 Tips to Prepare your Skin for the Harsh Winter Season

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7 Tips to Prepare your Skin for the Harsh Winter Season

Posted By Steve Forsing     September 27, 2018    


The autumn season is already here and soon we will be cherishing the winter season along with our hot soup bowls and snowmen all around. The beautiful winter season is undoubtedly harsh for our delicate and soft skin. The low temperatures and lack of moisture in the air sucks the natural oils from our hair and skin leaving it lifeless and stressed.

But is it just the weather that makes our skin lackluster? No, of course not. The other major culprits are stress of the work, change in lifestyle due to holidays, change in season and changed dietary habits with increased intake of sugar and fats in the diet. These normal changes can cause skin breakouts, dryness, dullness and tightness of the skin.

You need to pamper your skin during this time period to ensure that you look as lively as ever irrespective of the seasons. Just try these tips brought to you by MyWorldGo experts and you will see the magic in no time.

1. Select your Facial Cleanser Wisely

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Despite it being a dry weather we still need to cleanse our face on a daily basis. Depending on the skin type we can select from the myriad range of oil-based cleansers, cream based cleansers or alcohol-free cleaners. A dirty and clogged skin will not absorb any goodness of the moistures and will lead to multiple breakouts.

2. Change your Skin Care Routine

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Your skin needs more moisture than summers because of the lingering dryness in the air. You need to switch to heavy moistures and skin serums that can penetrate deep into your skin cells to hydrate them. You can also try sleeping masks while you retire to your bedrooms which will add to your glow the next morning without adding any extra minutes for the same.

3. Don’t Give up on Exfoliation
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Try using gentle skin peels or mild scrubs once a week to get rid of dead skin cells and clogged pores. A good and soft scrub helps in maintaining the blood circulation and brings back the luster of the skin. Ensure that you don’t overdo it.

4. Slather up on Sun Screen

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You might not be able to see the sun, but your skin can definitely get damaged if you walk out without your guards up. The harmful UV rays are always out there. You must never skip on your sunscreen for any reason and wear protective clothing to avoid unnecessary skin exposure.

5. Go easy on hot Showers

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A long hot bubble bath might bring you back to your senses but will rip your skin off the natural oils leaving it dry. One must never use hot water for bathing, recommends a MyWorldGo expert. Always use lukewarm water and keep the duration short. After walking out of the shower, apply toner and body mist to increase the capacity of your skin cells to absorb the moisture. Then put on a thick layer of the desired moisturizer.

6. The Humidifier can be your BFF

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If you live in a cold and dry climate. , a humidifier can be a good investment. It can keep your skin from looking old and dull due to the dry season. The cold air steals moisture from your skin, giving it a flaky and lifeless look. Using a humidifier at night will solve your purpose and will not let your skin dry out.

7. Think what you put in your Body
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Add more greens and fruits to your daily meals. More vegetables will ensure that you are getting fibers and nutrients essential for the glow of your skin. Staying away from simple sugars and carbohydrates will help you maintain the waistline and a cleaner looking skin. Along with these healthy eating habits maintain a good drinking ritual. Each day gulp down at least 7-8 glasses of water to get the supple skin of your dreams.

You can get more such health and beauty tips on MyWorldGo. Keep checking out space for information on other subjects.
