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What Causes Windscreens to Shatter?
  • Tags - #Novus Auto Glass
    • Last updated January 10, 2022
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What Causes Windscreens to Shatter?

Posted By novusautoglassc novusautoglassc     January 10, 2022    


Although windscreens are made of the kind of glass that doesn't easily shatter, sometimes they do, especially if the windshield has a crack or chip. Experiencing a windscreen shatter can be very scary. So, what causes the windscreen to shatter?


  •  Moisture

The windscreen is made of two pieces of glass with a layer of plastic in between them. When water or moisture gets in between the glass pieces through a crack, it weakens the windscreen. Also, when it is too cold, the moisture freezes and cause more damages that lead to the windscreen shattering.


  • Temperature

Extreme temperatures can cause the windscreen to shatter. Cold temperatures cause contraction, and if it's defective or cracked, the added compulsion can result in more damage. The sun can also lead to the chip or crack expanding because it escalates the windscreen's temperatures.


  • Dust

Dust particles can get inside the glass sandwich, weakening the windshield. A temporary solution is placing clear tape over the crack until it is fixed. This doesn't obstruct the view and can help keep dirt out. Rocks, stones and pebbles thrown up by other car’s tyres can also cause your windscreen to crack and scatter. To steer clear of random stones that hit your car, keep a safe gap between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you.


  • Bumps

Bumps cause some stress on the windscreen, especially if the windshield has some crack. Of course, one can try to evade the bumps and dips, but sometimes they cannot be missed. Hence whenever you realise that your windscreen has a crack, you should repair it immediately to avoid shattering the windshield.


  • Weather

Sometimes the weather is extreme, and the wind blows tree branches and other items to your car. Hailstones can also cause damage to your windscreen. It is recommended that you park your car under shade or in the garage during extreme weather conditions.


  • Poor installation and quality of glass

Cracks left for an extended period affect the windscreen; they weaken the structure of the glass. The cracks often appear on the windscreen edges. These areas are more susceptible to shattering. Poor installation can also cause your windscreen to shatter. Hence make sure that a technician with experience appropriately fits your windscreen and ensure that the glass is made from high-quality materials.


  • Collision

If you crash into another car or an animal, it can cause your windscreen to shatter.


If your windscreen has shattered, you can rely on Novus Auto Glass to replace your windscreen. We are also mobile, so we can come to you wherever you are. Visit our website or contact us for more information.
