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Use A Quitclaim Deed

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Use A Quitclaim Deed

Posted By Carl Glendon     May 13, 2022    


Why Should You Use A Quitclaim Deed For A Property Transaction In Arkansas?

The quitclaim deed or the quit claim deed is a legal form that you can use to manage a legal transaction when you are trying to transfer the title of a real estate property to someone else. Whether you are dealing with a piece of land or a house, you can surely use the quitclaim deed to manage your estate planning goals. The distinct advantage of using the quitclaim deed form is that it can help you to easily transfer the title of the property to another person in a short term’s notice. The quickness of the process when you use the quitclaim deed has led people to call this form the quick deed form. While it is true that the quitclaim deed does come with its own share of limitations, it is still considered to be one of the fastest and simplest ways to transfer a property to someone whom you have known for a considerably long period of time.

Essential factors that determine the nature of the quitclaim deed

One of the best things about the quitclaim deed is that it works as a simple and efficient means to transfer the title to a person. The person who is using the quitclaim deed to transfer the property to another person is the grantor and the individual who is the recipient of this title is the grantee. However, this does not mean that the property title that is being transferred in this way is free from encumbrances or liens. The quitclaim deed document also does not guarantee that the grantor is the real owner of the property. This is why the quitclaim deed is only used among family members or those who know each other for many years and trust each other completely.

Getting a quitclaim deed form from an online site for free

Once you have determined that you are going to get the quitclaim deed in Arkansas, you can explore some of the online platforms that offer different kinds of legal forms for free. As you find a site like that, you can download or print the quitclaim deed form so that you can then use it for your specific property dealing.
