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Top things to Include in a Legal Separation Agreement

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Top things to Include in a Legal Separation Agreement

Posted By Carl Glendon     June 10, 2022    


If you are thinking about getting divorced, then you should definitely consider signing a separation agreement. It is a good way to protect yourself and your rights. A separation agreement is a contract that is signed between two people who are going through a divorce or other type of relationship breakdown. Today, you can easily find templates of separation agreement form online and there are specific websites where you can find free or paid forms available for download. You can easily download and customize these kinds of documents.

A legal separation agreement (also known as a divorce settlement) is a contract between two people who are legally separated. It can be used to divide assets and liabilities, including property, debts, and child custody. Find out what it can, and should, include.

What Should a Legal Separation Agreement Include?

This document outlines what each party agrees to do and does not agree to do. It can include things like:

• Child custody,

• Division of property,

• Spousal maintenance etc.

A separation agreement in Virginia is often used to avoid having to go to court and have a judge decide these issues. The reason why you would want to sign a separation agreement is because it protects both parties from being taken advantage of. If you are signing this document, then you are agreeing to follow certain terms and conditions. You are giving up your right to take someone to court if they break their end of the agreement. In return, you are getting something out of the deal.

It is a document that protects both parties from any legal hassles arising out of the absence of such an agreement. It is used to protect spouses from having to part with property, finances etc or have to bear the debts and issues of the other spouse even in a state of separation and in contrary to their will.

There are similar agreements in existence, such as Property Settlement Agreement – which outlines how each party's property will be divided after a divorce. In a child custody agreement, the responsibilities parents have regarding their children are stated and can include visitation rights, access to medical records, child support obligations and more.
