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Stages of Alcoholism \u2013 Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment
    • Last updated June 28, 2022
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Stages of Alcoholism – Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Posted By restore centerla     June 28, 2022    


What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse, characterized by an inability to control one's drinking habits. Alcoholism is also known as an alcohol use disorder.


Individuals suffering from alcoholism frequently believe that they cannot function normally without the use of alcohol. This frequently results in a variety of issues and negative consequences for their professional goals, personal matters, relationships, and overall health.


Alcoholism's side effects tend to worsen over time, resulting in harmful complications for the alcoholic. That is when the person reaches the advanced stages of alcoholism, which is exacerbated by problem drinking.


Stages of alcoholism

While no two people have the same reasons for developing an alcohol use disorder, the disease follows a predictable pattern. It does not happen overnight and does not develop in a day.


Alcoholism or problem drinking is a progressive disease with a predictable progression. It begins as casual drinking and progresses over time to dependence and addiction.


There are four stages of alcoholism: pre-alcoholic, early alcoholic, chronic alcoholic, and end-stage alcoholism. Alcoholism stages became nuanced as a result of the need to help people understand alcoholism as an illness rather than a moral failing.


Here is what you should know about the stages of alcoholism:


  1. The pre-alcoholic stage

The pre-alcoholic stage occurs before alcohol becomes a serious issue. Because alcohol has yet to cause any problems, it is difficult to identify. Drinking has not yet become compulsive at this point.


Individuals in the pre-alcoholic stage are unlikely to recognize that their drinking may eventually progress into something serious. This is a formative stage in the alcoholic's trajectory. People in this stage of alcoholism get into two directions upon starting to drink for the purpose of unwinding after a long day so that it bolsters them in social situations or helps them fall asleep. The directions are:

  • Progressing into the nest stage of alcoholism.
  • Finding alternatives to drinking after a short stay in the pre-alcoholic stage or moving away from drinking altogether.


Signs or symptoms of the pre-alcoholic stage are:

  • Reliance on alcohol to unwind or relax.
  • Need for a drink so as to engage effectively in social situations.
  • Use of alcohol to cope with uncomfortable feelings or emotions.


While individuals in the pre-alcoholic stage are unlikely to seek treatment, the following treatment programs can be sought:

  • Alcohol detox
  • Addiction therapies
  • Creation of a treatment plan
  • Individual therapy


  1. The early alcoholic stage

This is the transitional stage in which the formation of a pattern of alcohol abuse begins. It is distinguished by frequent drinking, and affected individuals begin to use social gatherings as an excuse to drink. They also begin to drink as a coping mechanism for the negative consequences of drinking, such as hangovers.


Signs or symptoms of early-stage alcoholism are:

  • Regular binge drinking
  • “Blacking out” or memory loss after drinking.
  • Difficulties controlling the amount one drinks.
  • The individuals swear that they will cut back or stop drinking, but have problems doing so.


Treatment for early-stage alcoholism will entail the following:

  • Alcohol detox
  • Addiction therapies
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Individual therapy
  • Mutual support groups


  1. The chronic alcoholic stage or the middle stage.

This is the most critical stage of alcoholism. At this point, the person begins to drink frequently and consistently. They might even begin their day with a drink.


Individuals in this stage are characterized by worsening relationships with friends and family, as well as changes in their behaviors that have a negative impact on them. They also suffer health consequences as a result of their heavy drinking, such as hangovers and feeling sick more frequently.


Signs or symptoms of the chronic or middle-stage alcoholism are:

  • Drinking at work, while looking after children, or when driving
  • Getting more irritable.
  • Effects of alcohol being different from how it was previously, e.g., changes to the body such as facial redness, stomach bloating, shaking, sweating, and memory lapses.


Enrolling in an alcohol or sedative addiction rehab, such as Alcohol Addiction Treatment Los Angeles, is required for the treatment of chronic or middle-stage alcoholism.


  1. The end-stage alcoholism

The effects of long-term alcohol abuse will become apparent during the alcoholism phase. Alcoholism becomes an all-day affair. Individuals' priorities shift to make drinking the most important aspect of their lives. Most addicted people lose their jobs during this stage, putting them in financial trouble. Sadness and anxiety associated with these life events aggravate the situation.


Signs or symptoms of the end-stage alcoholism are:

  • Frequent paranoia
  • Liver damage and other alcohol-related illnesses
  • Severe impacts on health, employment, relationships, finances, and overall satisfaction with life.
  • Use of other substances like opioids and sedatives, alongside alcohol, to generate the desired ‘high,’ which leads to sedatives addiction.
  • Withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings when alcohol has not been consumed.


End-of-life alcoholism treatment requires the individual to enroll in an alcohol rehab that provides dual diagnosis and collaborates with opioid rehab centers and sedatives addiction recovery programs. If you live in the Los Angeles area, Restore Health & Wellness can assist you in locating drug rehab centers in Los Angeles that are appropriate for your situation.


Finding an alcohol addiction treatment near me

Click here for guidance on how you can find alcohol addiction treatment programs as well as opioid rehab centers near you. Take a step to start your journey to sobriety today!

