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Benefits of TMS Treatment For Your Depression
    • Last updated October 20, 2022
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Benefits of TMS Treatment For Your Depression

Posted By Roots TMS     October 20, 2022    


My interest in TMS for depression

One painful incident that shaped my life was seeing my uncle go through clinical depression. A similar thing surfaced through my sister, and the sad thing is that all of them committed suicide as a result.


This made me have an interest in treatment for depression, which drove me to find out more about the condition and its treatment options from a long-time high school friend who works at the Psychiatrist Los Angeles.


I was touched by the stories of families who have members who are genetically predisposed to developing serious depression while I was at the facility. In fact, the story of a family that was decimated due to factors connected to significant depression broke my heart the most; however, no one in the family seemed to link the deaths to melancholy.


I compared this family's situation to what I perceived to be a growing tendency in my own family. I took psychiatric courses at a local university as a result of making the decision to pursue a career in depression treatment.


My attachment at TMS Therapy Long Beach

I was expected to complete a hands-on attachment experience at a facility that serves persons with mental health disorders during my last year of psychiatry studies.


Before choosing the facility where I could undertake my attachment, I called a leading TMS specialist near me for advice. The facility options on my mind then were the TMS center near me and the TMS Therapy Long Beach.


I felt confident that the expert I was speaking with provided consulting services at both locations and would give me the best guidance regarding which one would allow me to obtain the most attaché experience.


He shared with me the benefits I would get if I did the attachment in either of the facilities, including the logistical costs, intensity of workload, and availability of such emerging technologies for treatment of depression as Transcracial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). The advice convinced me to opt for my attachment at TMS Therapy Long Beach.



My experience with TMS for depression at TMS Therapy Long Beach

At TMS Therapy Long Beach, I learned a lot about depression and its treatment. Most importantly, I learned that there is no single gene that puts an individual at risk for depression. Depression disorder results from a combination of genes.


But, perhaps, the most memorable and practical lessons I learned at the facility involved TMS treatment for depression. This is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. The procedure is typically used when other depression treatments haven’t been effective.


Benefits of using TMS for your depression

TMS treatments for depression don't involve anesthesia, and they can be effective even if other approaches, like medicine or therapy, haven't brought about the necessary improvement.


Additionally, TMS treatments don't result in the side effects that are typical of medications. They can also assist you in lessening your reliance on medication and don't interfere with your capacity to remain attentive.


Need more information and help with TMS for depression?

Roots Through Recovery privileged me to attend a number of TMS awareness meetings organized to raise awareness about TMS treatments for depression after I was done with my studies and attachment. I also learned a lot about TMS from these meetings.


In fact, I suggest getting in touch with Roots Through Recovery by contacting (562) 203-0567 or clicking here if you want more details about TMS for depression or the finest places to send your loved one for TMS treatment.
