It's funny how we tend to fall into habits, particularly
Ketogenic Accelerator Review around eating. There are natural and habitual signals that stimulate thoughts of eating. They don't seem to fall under any physical need, they are more psychological than actual hunger. When we start school, we have to get into a routine. There are designated times to eat and if you don't eat during those times, we have to wait. These routines carry through our work life and we get into the habit of following that routine, whether we are hungry or not.
Our minds become conditioned to expect food at the same time every day whether the body is hungry or not. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are slotted in like clockwork. If we sleep in on the weekend, we apparently didn't starve because we didn't eat breakfast on time. If we could tell the difference between psychological hunger and physical hunger, we would be much more in tune with our bodies. A lot of people who don't get to eat at the appointed time go hypoglycemic because the body is responding to the cycle of eating that may have been habituated for the last 40 years.
It seems to change when you go on holidays and change your routine, the mind becomes more relaxed and doesn't seem to be so meticulous about eating times. The body is just fine, after all. It seems to be the mind that responds to stress that wants to make sure that the body is fed. Another thing the mind does when it sees food or pictures of food, is that it sets up a wanting response, whether or not it is physically hungry.