Introduction To The Production Process Of Pet Preforms » Discussions

Introduction To The Production Process Of Pet Preforms

  • February 21, 2019
    The use of [u]Pet Preforms[/u] greatly facilitates the production of plastic bottles, but he is not from the seams of stones. He is also made by people. Today we will take a look at the production process of preforms.

    The quality of the bottle depends on the quality of the preforms supplied. The preforms are divided into two types, one is a long gate and the other is a short gate. Domestic bottle embryo manufacturers use more short-gate preforms, while foreign countries use more long gates. The preform of the long rubber mouth is cut off due to the bottom gate, and the tension is evenly distributed during the blowing process, so that the quality of the bottle to be blown out is better, and the cut portion can be recycled, which is beneficial to save the raw material cost. Today, with the growing shortage of petroleum resources, domestic manufacturers will be more inclined to the preforms of long gates. The quality of the preform during production is controlled by the degree to which the preform is prevented from being scratched during transport.

    This is a simple introduction to the production process of [u]Pet Bottle Preform[/u], which has great convenience for our life and the protection of the environment is greatly improved.