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Sole representative and de facto not well know? A sole representative is a senior-most person in a company who can travel to a different country as a representative of that country for business purposes.
Kids younger than 18 can't be naturalized. Where a kid is remembered for an application you should consider whether they are as of now a British resident or can be enlisted as a British resident either on the grounds that they have a qualification or at t...
If they need to enter the UK for a limited period of time or Entrepreneur Visa Extension for some business-related purposes, non-UK nationals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland may apply for a Business Visitor visa.
A migrant may apply to naturalize as a British citizen if they fulfill certain conditions, such as a minimum duration of residency and good character. You may be entitled to apply for British Citizenship by Naturalization if you are at least 18 years old ...
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